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Programs Related to Israel

Narayever 2019 trip to Israel 

The Narayever community is connected to Israel in multiple ways, this endeavor begins with our Israel Committee, whose main purpose is to link the congregation to Israel. The committee meets periodically and is comprised of 5 to 7 members. Under the purview of the Israel Committee our tasks including bringing in Israel focused speakers, support of the shul's participation in the UJA ShinShinim program, facilitating the shul's participation in the Walk with Israel, and our community Yom Ha'Atzma'ut and Yom Hazikaron commemorative events. 

We welcome new members to our committee! If you would like more information, contact at

Narayever 2019 Israel trip to Israel

What is the UJA Shinshinim Program?

For more information, please refer to the ShinShinim page by clicking here.

The program was established to help Jews living outside of Israel develop stronger connections to Israel through informal approaches to education in our day schools, supplementary schools, synagogues and camps. This personal and relevant education is delivered abroad by young Israelis who choose to do a year of national service (shnat sherut – thus “ShinShinim”) before joining the army.

The UJA ShinShinim Program began in 2007 with two high school graduates and has grown considerably over the past fourteen years. The First Narayever began participating in the program in 2010/2011 to bring our “pioneer” ShinShinim, Reut Rozner and Yuval Gur, to the vibrant downtown Jewish community. We have been participating in this incredible program ever since.

The ShinShinim in Toronto work in over 25 institutions, including day schools, synagogues, supplementary schools, youth movements and camps. They offer educatation about Israel informally through stimulating programs, informative lessons, challenging discussions, and engaging activities, all bringing an authentic experience of Israel to a range of members in our community. They each live with two host families throughout their stay in Toronto, providing an opportunity  for over forty host families to learn more about Israel through the relationship developed with the young Israeli staying in their homes.

Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785