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About the Social Action Committee

Narayever's Social Action Committee

Tikkun Olam and tzedek tzedek tirdof  are the two guiding principles of Narayever’s Social Action Committee, reflecting the values of our synagogue community and our role in the world as Jewish people. We strive to improve the world through the concept of justice, justice, you shall pursue (tzedek, tzedek tirdof.)  We believe that justice, itself, must be pursued justly, and that the pursuit of justice requires constant action

The theme for the 2022-2023 Yom Kippur Appeal is Youth Mental Health. In Canada and Israel the COVID-19 Pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of children and teenagers. This year’s fundraising campaign is designed to support charities and organizations, in Toronto and Israel, that provide support and mental health services to youth. Organizations and charities that do not have Youth Mental Health as their particular focus are still eligible to apply to the First Narayever Congregation's Social Action Fund.


We advance these principles in the following ways:

  • Raising funds which are then donated to causes and organizations that do work in the areas that reflect our values of tikkun olam and tzedek tzedek tirdof.  This is done through our regular social action fund and through our annual Yom Kippur Appeal.  In 2022-2023 our focus will be, as indicated, Youth Mental Health. We will, however, also entertain applications for funding from charities and organizations that are not involved in Youth Mental Health. If you are an organization that would like to apply for funding support, please click here
  • Equity Programming and ActionEducational programming to raise awareness and engagement about racial and Indigenous justice, social and economic justice; poverty; migration and refugee rights; the environment, and mental health and addictions. 
  • Resource List to help the Narayever community learn about Racism and Reconciliation
  • Marking days of significance, such as Human Rights Shabbat and International Refugee Shabbat 
  • Direct involvement in the broader community: from volunteering at Kensington Gardens and First Interfaith Out of the Cold, to participating in environmental and other justice-related events. Please join us in our efforts and volunteer.
  • Refugee sponsorship: In the fall of 2015, the Narayever community raised over $65,000 to sponsor a Syrian refugee family to Canada. You can read more about this undertaking here.   
  • Raising funds which are then donated to causes and organizations that do work in the areas that reflect our values of tikkun olam and tzedek tzedek tirdof.  This is done through our regular social action fund and through our annual Yom Kippur Appeal.  If you are an organization that would like to apply for funding support, please click here
  • Along with other synagogue groups and members, we have also participated in demonstrations focused on the environment, support for Israel, and other essential issues.  We also stood with other faith-based groups to support Canada’s Muslim residents; helping to form a Ring of Peace around a Toronto Mosque 

For more information on Social Action programs, activities, or other issues, please write to Marsha Frydenberg at

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784