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Membership Benefits


When you join the Narayever, you have the knowledge that you are making possible the continuity and the growth of a thriving traditional-egalitarian Jewish community in downtown Toronto.  Ongoing benefits of membership include:

  • Traditional egalitarian religious services
  • Wonderful Kiddush lunches every Shabbat 
  • A variety of interesting adult and children’s programs
  • A commitment to promoting the concept of tikun olam through social action projects and by raising funds for tzedakah 
  • Holiday celebrations such as Hanukkah  and Purim parties and Sukkot lunches
  • Israeli focused activities and more

Services are held on Shabbat at 9:30 am. Check the calendar for Kabbalat Shabbat times. There is a Sunday minyan at 9:00 am for those saying kaddish, and a daily evening minyan at 7:00pm. Daily minyan is not held on Friday.  Click here for the membership form.

In addition, there are the following specific benefits to your membership:

  • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Marriage Ceremonies, Funerals, Brises and Baby Namings  – The Rabbi is there to consult with members on these important lifecycle events and officiate at the ceremonies.
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah special programming –  an exciting class program in the year preceding the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
  • Pastoral Counselling, Personalized Growth or Coaching – Whether it is to seek spiritual, emotional or practical advice, the Rabbi gives priority to Shul members.
  • High Holiday Tickets – All Shul members receive tickets for themselves and children who are under Bar/Bat Mitzvah age
  • Community Shabbat dinners – A warm Shabbat gathering for members and their families is organized several times a year
  • Cemetery Plots – All Shul members are eligible for a cemetery plot
  • Caring Hesed Services –  for members who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
  • Shul Library – A well-stocked library of books and magazines to which members will have free access during operating hours.
  • Yahrzeit Reminders – Members receive mailed reminders noting the day and date prior to the yahrzeit of a loved one.
  • Tax receipts for membership contributions.

All these benefits together provide a terrific value for your membership fee. We invite you to join our warm and vibrant community and encourage you to forge a close bond with the First Narayever Congregation as a member.

To find out about our fees click here

Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785